User Settings

Topics under User Settings

  1. Notice at top for first time visitors – HTML allowed
  2. Custom message on registration form – HTML allowed
  3. Terms & Conditions check box on registration form – HTML allowed
  4. Notice at top for new registered users – HTML allowed
  5. Custom message in email sent to new registered users
  6. Only log in by email address (not username)
  7. Allow users with posts to change their username
  8. Enable private messaging between users
  9. Store and display private message history
  10. Private messages per page
  11. Allow Gravatar avatars
  12. Gravatar maximum Rating
  13. Default Gravatar
  14. Force Gravatar default
  15. Allow users to upload avatars
  16. Maximum size for storing avatars
  17. Default avatar
  18. Avatar size on user navi
  19. Avatar size on user profile page
  20. Avatar size on top users page
  21. Avatar size on post
  22. Avatar size on questions
  23. Avatar size on answers
  24. Avatar size on comments
  25. Avatar size on question lists
  26. Avatar size on message lists
  27. Extra fields on user pages or registration form
  28. User titles based on points


Notice at top for first time visitors – HTML allowed

This setting allows site administrators to show custom messages to first time visitors. This is usually a short message.

Example : You can show first time visitors that the website uses cookies to store information and ask for their permission.

Custom message on registration form – HTML allowed

This settings allow site administrators to show custom message on the registration page and form for a PQA website.

This can be instructions on how to register and also  some general site rules for new users to take note.

Terms & Conditions check box on registration form – HTML allowed

This setting will force users to accept the terms and conditions of your PQA site before the registration can be completed.

Notice at top for new registered users – HTML allowed

This settings allow site administrators to show custom message to new registered users.

This can be a welcome message for them or any information you would like your new registered users to know.

Custom message in email sent to new registered users

This setting allows administrators to compose whatever message they would like new registered users to recieve

This message will emailed to all new registered users

Only log in by email address (not username)

This setting allow administrators to restrict site login to only email address instead or email address or username.

Checking this will disable login by username and password and enable login by email and password.

Allow users with posts to change their username

This users allows users with at least one post to change his/her username. Consider the pros and cons for your PQA site before turning this setting on.

Enable private messaging between users

This setting allow PQA users to send private messages to each other.

Store and display private message history

If you want users to have a record of their private messages, turn on this setting

Private messages per page

This settings is useful if private message history is turned on. You can regulate how many messages are shown per page here.

Allow Gravatar avatars

This setting allows users to use their gravatars on PQA

Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog.

Gravatar maximum Rating

This setting allow the administrator to control the gravatar rating based on the average age of your site users.

The ratings are:

g – Suitable for all audiences
pg – Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above
r – Intended for adult audiences above 17
x – Even more mature than above

Select the appropriate one that best fits your community.
Default Gravatar

This setting allow site administrator to choose  the default gravatar for PQA site.

Force Gravatar default

This setting allow site administrator to change all user gravatars to the default gravatar setting

Allow users to upload avatars

Check this if you want users to upload their own avatars

Maximum size for storing avatars

This setting controls the actual avatar size store in the PQA database.

This size should not be too big nor too small.

Default avatar

Set the default image to be used for all users

Avatar size on user navi

Control the avatar size on user navigation page

Avatar size on user profile page

Control the avatar size on user profile page

Avatar size on top users page

Control the avatar size on the top users page

Avatar size on post

Control the avatar size in posts

Avatar size on questions

Control the avatar size on threads

Avatar size on answers

Control the avatar size on replies

Avatar size on comments

Control the avatar size on comments

Avatar size on question lists

Control the avatar size on thread lists

Avatar size on message lists

Control the avatar size on message lists

Extra fields on user pages or registration form

This setting allows site administrator to add additional form fields to the user registration.

Example: You can add a form field called Phone Number to the user registration field if you want to collect user contact numbers.

User titles based on points

This setting allow site administrator to rank to create a community hierarchy based on user points.


All users of point 100 – 500 = Newbies

All users of point 501 – 1000 = Junior Squad

All users of 1001 = 1500 = Snipers
