PowerQA is a state of the art discussion software that makes online discussions fun. It's simple, fast, and powerful.

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points × 1 popover × 1 popup × 4 port × 1 portal × 1 position × 8 post × 8 posting × 1 powerqa × 4 pqa × 4 pqa-menu-lang × 1 present × 1 pribate × 1 private × 4 profile × 2 prototype × 1 q2a × 4 q2a-pqa × 2 qa × 1 question × 5 quick × 2 ranking × 2 readonly × 1 recaptcha × 1 recatcha × 1 register × 1 release × 16 reload × 1 remember × 1 reorder × 1
Welcome to PowerQA. PowerQA is a new discussion software (not OSS). Here is a community for PowerQA developers. Current stable version is V1.9.4. It is enhanced day by day.


  • 338 questions
  • 276 answers
  • 100 users

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