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Where can I download a theme?

Where can I download theme FlexArmor1 from sama55?
by AlexPrimes asked Apr 11, 2017 in Others

1 Comment

its unfortunate that selling of thetheme for Q2A has been ended. FlexArmor1 will revive as a theme of PowerQA

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Originally you would have to you check on Askive by @sama55, register your account first on that site, open, Scroll down to FlexArmor1 and Order it. However according to its unfortunate that selling of thetheme for Q2A has been ended. FlexArmor1 will revive as a theme of PowerQA.
by JackSiro answered Apr 11, 2017

1 Comment

I went through the registration, but the second day I see such a message (please wait until your account is confirmed or see more information.)

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