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What do you think is missing search feature?

I want missing features below.


  1. Popular [Exists]
  2. Name [Missing]
  3. New [Missing]
  4. Filter (Partial match search by name) [Missing]


  1. Rank (All) (Exists)
  2. Rank (Year) [Missing]
  3. Rank (Month) [Missing]
  4. Rank (Week)  [Missing]
  5. New [Missing]
  6. Filter (Partial match search by name) [Missing]


by webmaster asked Sep 2, 2015 in Core

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3 Answers

+1 vote
1. Search Suggestions

2. Questions (Search for Title and Filter by Time (Days, Week, Month, Year)
  Rational : As time passes, Answers to very old questions becomes untrue.
  Ability to search for questions by a keyword and filter by time can allow a user to
  to  have a fair idea about a  topic over a period of time. This will also allow site owners to  edit old questions    with new correct answers. It is a way  of watching a topic evolve in a community. It will also allow webmasters to study trends on topic and how they evolve in their community. I don't  know if there is QnA software that already implements this feature.
by Vanbells answered Sep 2, 2015

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+1 vote

Users pages updated. These changes applied in this site. So, you can confirm it.


by webmaster answered Sep 3, 2015


The feature was tested and has been confirmed.
@Vanbells: I'm removing all of process related "QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS". This change spans the entire core. When it ended, I will send latest sources.
Okay. I will always be available anytime.
Can you make special page visible to all users or make a moderators page which shows all moderators/editors like to SO.
This one page is also necessary to let users know who are actually moderating the community.
You have a really good point. How about you ask it as a separate question to give it more attention?
Good. I will hack the core source.
I hacked core. Access page in logged out status.
Now this looks much better. :)

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0 votes

Tags pages updated. These changes applied in this site. So, you can confirm it.


by webmaster answered Sep 7, 2015

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