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Default variations of the post type

I'm developing POST-TYPE feature. Do you want any type by default?


  1. Q&A (Default)
  2. Discussion
  3. Blog
  4. Report


by webmaster asked Sep 14, 2015 in Core


You said about Blog type but blog type is not added in post type feature. Will this be added in future..??
So it actually means there won't be any benefit of adding a blog type because there are no replies or answers to articles, instead there are just comments.
So it would again lead to have a blog plugin instead which can do this work.
I thought it. But, feature of inhibiting the answers and comments to the article has nothing to do with this feature. It may be developed as an independent feature.
Yes that's exactly what I am saying that the post type feature can't do the blog thing. But still I asked this because at some question you mentioned about adding blog feature in post type as well.
But no issues, as blog thing can be added later on with a dedicated plugin.
Unfortunately Basically I do not think the importance of the blog. However, perhaps, better implementation is to add options to question (thread) form. First poster will determine it.
Option-1: "Allow answers (replies)"
Option-2: "Allow comments on question (Thread)"
Yes this will be a good thing if you implemented it. That way there won't be any need for any extra blog plugin.

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1 Answer

+2 votes
What about Book/Review?
by Funrunna answered Sep 16, 2015

1 Comment

Yeah, "Review" is good.

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