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Gray pattern added in Base theme. This color pattern is similar to StackOverflow. This pattern has already been applied to this site. Please clear browser's cache with F5 key.

Main character of the community is the contents. Design should be a supporting role. Therefore, I think simple design is suitable to the community. FB and SO have been designed with this policy.


by webmaster asked Oct 9, 2015 in Themes


Adding more colour to the same theme won't do any good until you provide a good looking responsive theme. Focus on responsiveness now.
I am developing responsive theme at the same time. However, we developed this system for business users. The purpose (priority) of business and hobby is different. Mainly this system is used in intranet.
so what you are saying is, that this software is not for full time webmasters. Instead it is developed for intranet business purpose.
Well that explains how this is gonna go in future and unfortunately it's not for me. Thanks for letting me know... :)
Yes. The target ("social") for me (this system) is not the world. It is a niche place to gather people who had a specific (same) purpose. The importance of design in its place is low. It is much more important towards the features for a particular purpose. I'm thinking such concept would also be one of the social system.
Well with you programming knowledge it could have been a way better system. But since you have made up your mind so no issues. Have great success ahead... :)
Looks like 98% Stackoverflow. I like the expertise!
Great Work
This may not be a thing to be discussed here. It is the limit of the open (free) source such as Q2A. I'm thinking Q2A is end situation. The one of reasons is that financial infrastructure is vulnerable. Financial base of successful open source is very strong. I think that weak system (e.g. company) can not contribute to society in the true sense of the term. When this system was successful financially, would the outcome may be reduced to the general public.

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