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Progress of "Private Site" plugin

Current progress is 70%. Shortcode (Parser) has been added in PowerQA core.


by webmaster asked Nov 25, 2015 in Plugins
by Vanbells reopened Dec 4, 2015

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Complete! Please check login page.
Settings of this site



Head section:

Error page:

Built-in shortcodes
  • [flexslider]
  • [threads]
  • [sidebar]
  • [loginform]
  • [users]
  • [widget]


by webmaster answered Nov 28, 2015
by webmaster edited Nov 28, 2015

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+2 votes

Hello I have intensively tested private site plugin.

Case 1 - Fresh installation  ---> Pass

Case 2 - Overwriting existing PQA ---> Pass

Case 3 - Overwriting Q2A converted to PQA with large data ---> Failed.

On case 3, I have a local q2a converted pqa instance of over 12,000 threads and 10,000  users for testing.

After installing private site plugin,

Logging out generates the following error

A PowerQA database query failed when generating this page.

A full description of the failure is available in the web server's error log file.

The only error I am seeing in my error log is [Thu Dec 03 22:16:21.744264 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 48:tid 324] AH00354: Child: Starting 150 worker threads.

I think this is a server issue and I am investigating more.


I changed my testing environment to a new server and caught very useful errors. See below;

[03-Dec-2015 23:33:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function qa_is_logged_in() in /home/xxxx/public_html/qa-plugin/pqa-private-site/qa-pv-process.php on line 36

[03-Dec-2015 23:33:28 UTC] PHP PowerQA MySQL query error 1146: Table 'askafric_q.pqa_posts' doesn't exist - Query: SELECT pqa_posts.postid, pqa_posts.categoryid, pqa_posts.type, LEFT(pqa_posts.type, 1) AS basetype, INSTR(pqa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0 AS hidden, pqa_posts.acount, pqa_posts.selchildid, pqa_posts.closedbyid, pqa_posts.upvotes, pqa_posts.downvotes, pqa_posts.netvotes, pqa_posts.views, pqa_posts.hotness, pqa_posts.flagcount, pqa_posts.title, pqa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pqa_posts.created) AS created,, pqa_categories.title AS categoryname, pqa_categories.backpath AS categorybackpath, CONCAT_WS(',', pqa_posts.catidpath1, pqa_posts.catidpath2, pqa_posts.catidpath3, pqa_posts.categoryid) AS categoryids, AS uservote, pqa_uservotes.flag AS userflag, pqa_userfavorites.entityid<=>pqa_posts.postid AS userfavoriteq, pqa_posts.userid, pqa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(pqa_posts.createip) AS createip, pqa_userpoints.points, pqa_users.flags, pqa_users.level, AS email, pqa_users.handle AS handle, BINARY pqa_users.avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, pqa_users.avatarwidth, pqa_users.avatarheight FROM pqa_posts LEFT JOIN pqa_categories ON pqa_categories.categoryid=pqa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN pqa_uservotes ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_uservotes.postid AND pqa_uservotes.userid='1' LEFT JOIN pqa_userfavorites ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_userfavorites.entityid AND pqa_userfavorites.userid='1' AND pqa_userfavorites.entitytype='Q' LEFT JOIN pqa_users ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_users.userid LEFT JOIN pqa_userpoints ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_userpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM pqa_posts WHERE type='Q'  ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,5) y ON pqa_posts.postid=y.postid
[03-Dec-2015 23:33:32 UTC] PHP PowerQA MySQL query error 1146: Table 'askafric_q.pqa_posts' doesn't exist - Query: SELECT pqa_posts.postid, pqa_posts.categoryid, pqa_posts.type, LEFT(pqa_posts.type, 1) AS basetype, INSTR(pqa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0 AS hidden, pqa_posts.acount, pqa_posts.selchildid, pqa_posts.closedbyid, pqa_posts.upvotes, pqa_posts.downvotes, pqa_posts.netvotes, pqa_posts.views, pqa_posts.hotness, pqa_posts.flagcount, pqa_posts.title, pqa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pqa_posts.created) AS created,, pqa_categories.title AS categoryname, pqa_categories.backpath AS categorybackpath, CONCAT_WS(',', pqa_posts.catidpath1, pqa_posts.catidpath2, pqa_posts.catidpath3, pqa_posts.categoryid) AS categoryids, AS uservote, pqa_uservotes.flag AS userflag, pqa_userfavorites.entityid<=>pqa_posts.postid AS userfavoriteq, pqa_posts.userid, pqa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(pqa_posts.createip) AS createip, pqa_userpoints.points, pqa_users.flags, pqa_users.level, AS email, pqa_users.handle AS handle, BINARY pqa_users.avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, pqa_users.avatarwidth, pqa_users.avatarheight FROM pqa_posts LEFT JOIN pqa_categories ON pqa_categories.categoryid=pqa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN pqa_uservotes ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_uservotes.postid AND pqa_uservotes.userid='1' LEFT JOIN pqa_userfavorites ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_userfavorites.entityid AND pqa_userfavorites.userid='1' AND pqa_userfavorites.entitytype='Q' LEFT JOIN pqa_users ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_users.userid LEFT JOIN pqa_userpoints ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_userpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM pqa_posts WHERE type='Q'  ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,5) y ON pqa_posts.postid=y.postid

[03-Dec-2015 23:33:34 UTC] PHP PowerQA MySQL query error 1146: Table 'askafric_q.pqa_posts' doesn't exist - Query: SELECT pqa_posts.postid, pqa_posts.categoryid, pqa_posts.type, LEFT(pqa_posts.type, 1) AS basetype, INSTR(pqa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0 AS hidden, pqa_posts.acount, pqa_posts.selchildid, pqa_posts.closedbyid, pqa_posts.upvotes, pqa_posts.downvotes, pqa_posts.netvotes, pqa_posts.views, pqa_posts.hotness, pqa_posts.flagcount, pqa_posts.title, pqa_posts.tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pqa_posts.created) AS created,, pqa_categories.title AS categoryname, pqa_categories.backpath AS categorybackpath, CONCAT_WS(',', pqa_posts.catidpath1, pqa_posts.catidpath2, pqa_posts.catidpath3, pqa_posts.categoryid) AS categoryids, AS uservote, pqa_uservotes.flag AS userflag, pqa_userfavorites.entityid<=>pqa_posts.postid AS userfavoriteq, pqa_posts.userid, pqa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(pqa_posts.createip) AS createip, pqa_userpoints.points, pqa_users.flags, pqa_users.level, AS email, pqa_users.handle AS handle, BINARY pqa_users.avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, pqa_users.avatarwidth, pqa_users.avatarheight FROM pqa_posts LEFT JOIN pqa_categories ON pqa_categories.categoryid=pqa_posts.categoryid LEFT JOIN pqa_uservotes ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_uservotes.postid AND pqa_uservotes.userid='1' LEFT JOIN pqa_userfavorites ON pqa_posts.postid=pqa_userfavorites.entityid AND pqa_userfavorites.userid='1' AND pqa_userfavorites.entitytype='Q' LEFT JOIN pqa_users ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_users.userid LEFT JOIN pqa_userpoints ON pqa_posts.userid=pqa_userpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT postid FROM pqa_posts WHERE type='Q'  ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,5) y ON pqa_posts.postid=y.postid


I believe that private site plugin fails when ('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX', ' ') in qa-config.php is not equal to pqa_.

If I change QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX to null or empty or any word apart from pqa_ I get the error above.

case 1 --> define('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX', 'pqa_ ') == Pass

case 2 --> ('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX', ' ') == fail

case 3 --> ('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX', 'any_other_word_apart_from_pqa_') == fail

Please see if you can reproduce error at your end


by Vanbells answered Dec 4, 2015
by Vanbells edited Dec 4, 2015


Thanks Vanbells. Some of my customers are waiting to migrate to PowerQA from Q2A. Therefore, your verification is very beneficial for me. I want a little more detailed information. I look forward to your activities.
Please see the updated answer above
Two problems were fixed.

1. Include error at PVS plugin.
2. Table prefix issue of qa-include/qa-app-shortcodes.php

In these modifications, my migration test was successful. However, problem related to the version of PHP might still remain. Please update your sources with online downloader forcibly. I look forward to your further test.

I just downloaded the new source files with pqa-downloader.
All issues are now fixed.
Everything is working perfectly now.
Good Job

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