Point1: Question (Thread) list supported.
So far, the extra field values could only be displayed on the question page. In new version, you can also displayed in question list.
Question list:
Question page:
Point2: Field preset pattern supported
In the field edit screen of the management screen, it is possible to read the preset files, you can set the field for a specific purpose field with one click. Now, preset files is the following six types (English-3, Japanese-3 types). You will be able to customize customer's system easily by increasing patterns.
Option panel:
Preset patterns:
- attachment-en.json: for attachment field (English)
- attachment-ja.json: for attacjment field (Japanese)
- stamp-en.json: for stamp field (English)
- stamp-ja.json: for stamp field (Japanese)
- status-en.json: for status field (English)
- status-ja.json: for status ffield (Japanese)