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We're looking for document team member

Currently, I am creating a English document for PowerQA V1.0 stable.


  • English
  • Join the development team (Required)
  • Document creation experience with WordPress (Required)
  • More than one year experience of Question2Answer (Required)
  • Experience for creating technical documents (Option)


  • At leaset, create 10 new pages (Required)
  • Otimization of my English (Required)
  • Design of PowerQA portal (Option)



  • I will add online (active) document feature in the next version. These documents will be used as the basic data of its function.

I am waiting for your aggressive participation. Let's develop together!


by webmaster asked Jan 26, 2016 in Others

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I will help the document creation team since documentation and user experience with digital products is one of my fields

Also document team will create SEO optimized resources to enable PQA rank for forum and QnA related searches. This will increase the organic exposure of PQA
by Vanbells answered Jan 26, 2016


Thanks Vanvells. I invitated you to PQA portal (WordPress) as administrator specially. Please do that you think good.

Note: CPU on my server is very slow (Atom N450 single thread). Therefore, waiting time of WP is very large. I recommend that you copy and paste document that you created on your local environment.

I want to replace to the powerful server. . . ^_^;
Thanks for the Invite,
I will start work documenting soon.
I want to create three types document.
1. User's manual (1st priority) <= most friendly and most important?
2. Admin manual (2nd priority)
3. Program manual (3rd priority)
So far, I've written program manual (No.3) mainly, but it might be wrong. There is no user's manual related Q2A. I want to achieve it in PowerQA.

What do you think?
Since admins are people who will most probably be buying PQA, we should create their manual first.
I think
Admin Manual ==> 1st
User Manual ==> 2nd
Program Manual ==> 3rd

I will start with Admin manual ==> User Manual

Do you agree?
OK Vanbells.

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